Routing improvements in NOR, SWE, FIN / Routingverbesserungen in NOR, SWE, FIN

We improved the routing in some of the Nordic countries: Norway, Finland and Sweden. The routing should produce better and more realistic routes. If you have planned a route in one of these countries, please double check the new route and if something doesn’t work anymore. We compared a lot of routes and overall we saw a good improvement. Please let us know if something seems wrong.

Wir haben die Routenberechnung in einigen nordischen Ländern verbessert: Norwegen, Finland und Schweden. Das Routing sollte jetzt jetzt bessere und realistischere Routen produzieren. Falls du eine Route in einer dieser Länder geplant hast, dann prüfe bitte ob etwas nicht mehr so funktioniert wie vorher. Wir haben viele Routen verglichen und haben insgesamt eine gute Verbesserung gesehen. Bitte lass uns wissen, falls etwas nicht passt.


What was the problem before the improvements?

I wouldn’t call it problem, but there were a couple of things that could be improved.

This includes better ETAs, less undesired detours, better road classification, and some more details :wink:

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This is unrelated to the changes mentioned above. The routing seems to work fine, not sure why it fails for you. Please feel free to open a new discussion with more details :slight_smile:.