Rain radar on navigation screen

Due to my last tour, it was capricious weather and my passenger piloted me between the rainy areas, it would be very nice to have a rain radar overlay over the routing screen. Don’t know if such requirement is technical possible, but it would be fine to have it.

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That’s a cool suggestion. :+1:
I’m curious whether the idea can be implemented… :thinking: :star_struck:

Instead of putting everything into an app with mediocre results,
it’s better to use specialized apps that are the best in their field.
Navigation, weather, cameras, …

Also these services are not free.

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Fully agree. The weather forecasts are rarely correct anyway. It is a utopian wishful thinking to manage any kind of routing according to weather forecasts. The rain gauge of the usual weather apps only works conditionally up to a maximum of 1.5 hours in advance.

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The Name of the APP is kurviger and not trockener! :slight_smile:

Ok now without kidding.
It,s not good to put all that might be a good idea in one Tool!
Many users are happy to have a small, fast-acting tool with kurviger.
Every “possible good idea” makes it big and slow!
The next thing is, how should the algorythm detect the wether condition to create a different Route?
And this is the task of this APP. Create a route and not to show the Weather.
If i Plan a Route i will drive that one.
And at driving i can see the wether in the route direction. Then I decide for myself whether I want to drive in a different direction than the planned route.
This is light years better than any predictions or rain radar.


…Es ist nicht gut, alles, was eine gute Idee sein könnte, in ein Tool zu packen!
Viele Anwender freuen sich, mit kurviger ein kleines, schnell wirkendes Tool zu haben.
Jede „mögliche gute Idee“ macht sie groß und langsam!..

:ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


Run kurviger and a rain radar on split screen modus? Or let the rain radar run on top of kurviger on a smaller mode. Or stop and check. Easy peasy


Hallo Leute,
ich würde mir auch ein Regenradar Overlay wünschen.
Ich war dieses Jahr auf einer Nordkaptour und wir haben mehrfach aufgrund des Wetters die Route geändert.
Im Netz findet man auch diverse Ideen und Lösungsansätze zu dem Thema
Aber jeder Zugriff z.B. beim DWD kostet auch Geld.
Nicht umsonst sind die meisten Wetterapps nur als Abo oder mit Werbung zu bekommen.
Unabhängig davon dürfte auch die Implementierung aufwändig sein.
So etwas kann nicht so einfach umgesetzt werden.
Daher habe ich volles Verständnis wenn eine solcher Wunsch nicht umgesetzt wird.
Es gibt ja eine Menge Regenradar App’s.

Hi guys,
I would also like to see a rain radar overlay.
I was on a North Cape tour this year and we changed the route several times due to the weather.
On the net you can also find various ideas and solutions to the issue.
But every access e.g. at the DWD costs money.
Not for nothing are most weather apps only available as a subscription or with advertising.
Independently of this, the implementation should also be costly.
Something like this cannot be implemented so easily.
Therefore I have full understanding if such a wish is not implemented.
There are a lot of rain radar apps.


I was travelling in Friuli a fortnight ago and unfortunately I had caught a period when the weather was very unstable. It would be great if you could activate the “rain radar” mode when needed in kurviger pro(!). It’s not about determining the weather 2-3 days in advance, but when you’re on the road, so 2-3 hours would be a good basis.
If you are on the road all day and have to stop several times in the rain to see where the rain front is heading, that can damage the mood of the group a bit.

I think it’s a great idea … I’m well aware that not everything is always feasible … :wink:


Ich bin auch gegen eine Implementierung von Wetterdaten. Aber was haltet ihr davon, das kurviger-Fenster zu verkleinern und im Vordergrund zu lassen, so wie google maps es macht? Das fände ich praktisch. Dann könnte man im Hauptfenster seine Wetterapp sehen oder Spotify oder sonst was.

I am also against implementing weather data. But what do you think about shrinking the curviger window and leaving it in the foreground like google maps does? I would find that handy. Then you could see your weather app in the main window or Spotify or whatever.

It is already possible on a split screen (on some devices also in a window) :slight_smile:

Ich rede von der app, von unterwegs, während der Fahrt.

I’m talking about the app, on the go, while driving.

This is exactly what the screenshot above shows. I just haven’t started navigation, but can. In this case, the right panel can show anything - e.g. a preview from a sports camera.

It’s just that I never used it (although, perhaps in the extreme case like @Viola, a weather radar could come in handy? Maybe?).

It’s great to see this responses, but i want to explain my original intention. It would be fine only to see the actual rain areas (actuallity about 5 minutes will be enough) on the navigation map. This information will give us the chance to find our individual desicion which way to drive. By routing with shaping points, kurviger will guide us back to the original destination.

Hi I somehow fail to really understand your request: when you see rain coming on the radar, you’ll have to stop anyways to add some waypoint to divert the route. Why not just wait until you are caught by the rain? Then stop, check rain radar and make a decision: wait until the rain is over or replan. This decision taking is something i would avoid doing while riding the bike…
My 2 cent

The idea is that you can see (on the map) whether your route is going through a rain area.
Than you can stop and re-plan your route around that rain area.

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