Problem calculating route

When preparing a route from 36.19991,52.36351 to 36.4332,52.35954 (in fact the route is much longer but with this small section you see the problem) with Kurviger from the web makes me go back and go on an unwanted road, as if the route was blocked.

Using Google Maps makes me the route that interests me.
With gpsvisualizer I export the GM path to a gpx file that I import to Kurviger where the original track (red) and the path generated by Kurviger (blue) are seen.

I’ve been putting waypoints in between and it’s always going around me.
How can it be fixed?

Google Maps route:

Kurviger route:

Thanks !

General hints could be found in the documentation

It would be much easier for us, if you share your route example

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Oh yes :slight_smile:

The problem seems to be this tunnel:

But I do not understand, it seems to be ok:

A question for the experts :slightly_smiling_face:

The issue is this “turn restriction” meaning “no_straight_on”

I think this is a map error.
It had been added a month ago by OSM-user arezu who seems to be a new user.
Maybe he/she made a mistake

I try to contact him/her


Oh thanks, I’ve never worked on OSM editing, maybe it’ll be interesting to take a look;)