Phone freezes / stops / very slow after opening offline maps

Cruiser cannot be faster than Cruiser GL, only “appears” in specific area / zoom / test.
Software rendering can never be faster than OpenGL hardware accelerated rendering.

More an illusion because of the heavy nature polygons in the specific DE & NL areas.
That’s why there is option to turn off Vegetation layer if users find it difficult in devices.

Cruiser GL platform offers map rotation / tilt, smooth scaling, improved labeling, etc.
Some are essential for navigation, users will start asking why any of them is missing.

Map appearance is something subjective, some may like it, other may not.
That’s a subject for a different topic, like ideas to improve map colors, etc.

I am comparing Cruiser and Kurviger here, not Cruiser and Cruiser GL. Still would appreciate an asnwer on that.

Wrt Cruiser CL: it totally not runs on my phone. It freezes and makes my phone crash. Definately not “appears”. Find someone with a S10 and try :slight_smile:

Kurviger is based on Cruiser (GL) platform, cannot say anything more on that.

Then can disable Vegetation layer for those heavy maps (as proposed above).

By the way Kurviger 1.11.8 (Beta) solved that, (Cruiser GL is not yet updated).

I could try further offline map rendering improvements, but need detailed feedback for current situation.

Testing Germany & Netherlands maps, since they have numerous heavy complicated nature polygons.

@Teun and everyone else:
Which zoom levels from 8-9-10-11 have still problems with Kurviger 1.11.6 (Beta)?
Can you post details for each zoom level, to see how each one can be improved?

Karten Germany und Netherlands von, Handy Kurviger Pro 1.11.6
Android 9 (API 28) HUAWEI PCT-L29 1080 x 2310 (480 dpi) Google location off. Kartenebenen Tankstellen, Gastronomie, Hausnummern und Vegetation. Minimales Ruckeln bei 20 km bzw. Zoom 9.0. Allerdings kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das so Jemand fährt…

Maps Germany and Netherlands by, Handy Kurviger Pro 1.11.6
Android 9 (API 28) HUAWEI PCT-L29 1080 x 2310 (480 dpi) Google location off. Map levels petrol stations, gastronomy, house numbers and vegetation. Minimal jerking at 20 km or zoom 9.0. However, I can’t imagine someone driving like that…

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Hmm, that really depends on the selected area.
Kurviger Pro 1.11.6
Android 8.0.0 (API 26)
samsung SM-G930F
1080 x 1920 (480 dpi)
all layers on

Map center near Tilburg Netherlands:

  • 13.1 => perfect smooth
  • 12.9 - 12.1 => ~1-3 fps
  • 11.9 - 11.1 => nearly smooth ~10 fps
  • 10.9 - 10.1 => ~3 fps
  • 9.9 - 9.1 => ~10 fps
  • 8.9 - 8.1 => ~5-10 fps
  • 7.9 => perfect smooth

Map center near Utrecht Netherlands

  • 13.1 => perfect smooth
  • 12.9 - 12.1 => ~3-5 fps
  • 11.9 - 11.1 => ~5-10 fps
  • 10.9 - 10.1 => ~3-5 fps
  • 9.9 - 9.1 => ~3-5 fps
  • 8.9 - 8.1 => 3-5 fps
  • 7.9 => perfect smooth

Please take the fps rates with a grain of salt, as I’ve estimated them, and the performance is not constant either.
But the zoom level thresholds should be very close :thinking:



Kurviger is based on Cruiser (GL) platform, cannot say anything more on that.

Pretty frustrating this. I do not understand your explanation and have the feeling that I am just not getting an answer to a direct question. I appear to miss some basic information which is obvious to you, or something, I don’t know. I will stop discussing this now. I will use Cruiser (not GL) for importing gpx files and I will enjoy the more beautiful and faster offline map experience. Hopefully you will not change that with an update.

Which zoom levels from 8-9-10-11 have still problems with [Kurviger 1.11.6 (Beta)]
As said, after restarting the app the very thick lines are now less thick and the yerkiness of map and menu on 3040 is not great but acceptable.

I had to wait 53 min to be able to post this reply, because I hit the daily quotum for a new user its says. Pfff!

Enjoy your driving, don’t watch the gps too much :slight_smile: Speak to you later maybe. Teun

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Very nice of you to accept this Teun, and thanks a LOT for all the details. I think we can all agree that your posts were not spam :wink: the daily quota is a feature of the forum software in general and nothing against you :smiley:

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What was the exact question? :slightly_smiling_face:
Why Kurviger is based on Cruiser GL platform and not on Cruiser platform instead?
That was the design from the start, because of the many GL features / advantages.
It’s like asking why we don’t prefer Google Maps or Mapbox map engines software.

Each forum software has features and rules which all who participate are following. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you encounter issues like that, please don’t hesitate to send us a message. In the first 24 hours of signing up in the forum there are some extra restrictions to restrict spambots etc. I raised the limit a bit so it’s a bit harder to hit the limit now. I think the issue was that you replied multiple times (and then deleted these duplicated messages), therefore you came closer to the 24 hour post limit.

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Kurviger 1.11.7 (Beta) contains a final set of offline maps rendering improvements for even faster performance.

Solved in Kurviger 1.11.9.