App: Offline routing (GraphHopper)

The available solution is described above (can test it) via offline routing graphs.

With its advantages (offline) and disadvantages (fastest routing, country graphs).
That’s the only possible implementation that can be integrated as-is relatively fast.

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Did you ever drive through Rheinland-Pfalz? You can be lucky to find a drum to call up somebody… offline maps are very important, but offline routing is not that important… the app works very well already as it is…

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Ich persönlich vermisse das Offlinrouting sehr, da bei uns eine sehr schlechte Netzabdeckung ist.
Fall 1: Treffpunkt mit Kollegen an einer Tankstelle im Wohnort. Besprechung welche Runde wir drehen wollen, Route planen mit Kurviger, aber keine Routenberechnung wegen schlechter Netzabdeckung möglich.

Fall 2: Wärend der Tour eine Pause machen und für eine andere Strecke Richtung Heimat entschieden. Schnell mit Kurviger eine Route geplant (ist ja genial mit Kurviger), aber leider keine Routenbetechnung möglich wegen wie so oft schlechtem Netz.


Leider haben wir bei uns und auch in anderen Gegenden eine sehr sehr schlechte Netzabdeckung.
Für mich ist Kurviger die beste Motorradapp die ich kenne, und ich ziehe den Hut vor den Entwicklern und ihre Arbeit. Aber das Offlinerouting ist für mich leider leider der einzige Grund, daß ich zu oft eine Alternativapp nutzen muss.

Nun meine Frage: Ist für die Zukunft ein Offlinerouting für die Kurviger App geplant?

Gruß Oliver

I have to confess that I share Oliver’s experiences and point of view.

Ich fände es schon sehr hilfreich wenn ein Routing so lange aktiv bleibt bis entweder ein Netz erreichbar ist oder man den Routing Versuch abbricht.
So könnte man zumindest in einem Empfangsloch das Routing starten und einfach losfahren und darauf warten dass er irgendwann von der aktuellen Position anfängt zu berechnen.
Aktuell versucht er es eine kurze Zeit und bricht dann wenn fehlender Netzverbindung ab was du führt das man immer wieder stehen bleiben muss um es erneut zu versuchen.
Gruß Roland

Siehe auch:

Routes can only be calculated using server-data, which means you have to be online (advantage: it’s using special algorithms for different routing-modes like “curvy” etc.). Therefore it’s always essential to save/export your route after creating it.

While on tour, you always can reload/import this route and continue navigation (because navigating an existing route can be done offline, but without being able to re-calculate a new route). If I’m forced to drive a detour without having connection, I’m using the map view for getting back on tour (navigation will be continued automatically aftre re-entering the route). Kurviger’s different and configurable options (e.g. zoom level, tilting-modes, follow-mode and the direction indicator) are really helpful in such situations (better than any of the many other navigation solution I tested yet).

But if you’re really “busted” because of being forced to calculate a route while being on tour it would always be wise to have a fallback solution on your phone (I’m using Sygic for those cases, which is capable of offline routing - without special motorcycle options like curvy routes, of course).

have fun and ride save


Exactly. That’s why I have installed HERE WeGo additionally.

In fact I have even FOUR navigation tools on my mobiles, all ready to use:

  • Kuviger (no special need to justify here :wink: )
  • GMaps (for quickly reaching a destination, specially for highways, with mostly very up-to-date display of traffic obstructions - offline use as well if necessary and if offline maps have been stored before, but then without traffic news)
  • HERE WeGo (for complete offline navigation in an “emergency case”, as I have stored all necessary maps on my mobile)
  • Locus Map (for navigation off the roads, in my case (car!) by bicycle or when hiking)

Die Offline Routenberechnung ist für mich im Moment noch beinahe ein “Killerkriterium”. Vor 2 Jahren sind wir über den Balkan Richtung Rumänien. Einmal in Bosnien-Herzegowina kurz etwas auf einer Karte auf dem Handy suchen hat über 300 Fr. gekostet . Jetzt zeichne ich eine Tour zum Nordkap. Die Strecke zeichne ich auf der Website von weil das wirklich gut geht. Als Navi verwende ich Mapfactor Navigator. Eigentlich Schade.

Das muss nicht an Kurviger gelegen haben.
Ein Smartphone überträgt ständig Daten im Hintergrund. Whatsapp, E-Mail, etc.
Da hilft nur mobile Datenübertragung abschalten bzw. Roamig zu verbieten.

@Reto_Fritschi Du weißt aber schon, dass Kurviger Pro zuvor gespeicherte Routen offline navigieren kann. Dazu musst Du die Routen im *.kurviger Format speichern, und natürlich offline Karten verwenden.

Nur das “zeichnen”, der Route benötigt Internet, da die (aufwändige) Berechnung hierfür auf dem Server stattfindet.

Zum Testen einfach das Smatphone in den “Flugmodus” schalten!



agree 100 % people who ride out of Western Europe roaming can’t realize why an online solution just can’t be used :frowning:

Another one for offline routing.
I use a dedicated (old) smartphone just for navigation purposes. it is my motorcycle navigation utility. i will NEVER have an online connection (except WIFI) on that phone.
Therefor i used kurviger sometimes for planning, but for routing ‘on the road’ i can’t use it. So for me kurviger is just a good idea so far. It’s a pity as kurviger is a great app apart from that.

Hi Guido, just to make sure also for you a quick hint: you know that offline navigation is possible, right? Only creating the route currently requires internet.

Maybe you can plan your routes at home (even with one or two alternatives) and send all those files to your navigation smartphone?


Hi Patrick,
yes, i do know the difference between navigation and routing. planning at home is fine for a day or a weekend, but not if you’re away for longer and don’t know where the journey will take you.

If you have another mobile device with Internet connection, you can share internet by tethering via bluetooth
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True, sorry didn’t mean to patronize, just wanted to make sure because lots of people have not heard of the offline navigation yet :slight_smile:

Well, let’s just hope for the best for this feature request.

Everybody has different strategies how to discover new routes.
For me, the missing offline navigation capabilties of Kurviger is an advantage, because this forces me to actually go for the planned roads and not follow (sometimes) more convenient roads in front of my wheels. The new in-built arrow, that shows you the direction, where your originally planned road goes, is absolutely adequate to find back to the track and is enough emergency if I have to face unexpected deviations or road closures.
This way, I have found the best areas I had never estimated that they even exist. I am never online on my trips, by the way.
But all my arguments are part of my personal way to discover new landscapes and do no mean, that I can’t understand, what the other arguments here are good for.
Yours Michael


Navigation and routing are two completely different things.
Navigation is offline, routing is online. :slightly_smiling_face:

Coming from:

Yea, great to hear.
Fastest route would be fine for a situation where you don’t have internet connection.
Would be nice, if you can provide offline graphs on Kurviger server.

As a first step, the user could switch between offline-routing and online-routing.
In the future it might be great if the app could switch automatically to offline routing, as a fall back if online routing is not available.


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Cruiser platform (which Kurviger uses) already has offline routing, so I have little work there.

Now imagine we drive a Kurviger route, go off route and want to do an offline rerouting back to it. Then we have to combine 2 different route types together, that could be the tricky part. :wink: