No Map showing in app

I habe the issue, that no streets, nothing is showing up in the app. I can import routes from website and navigation is basically working (saying left when I have to and so on) , but I cannot plan or view anything in the app anymore.
Samsung S9, Android 10
Kurviger V 1.12.4
Screenshot_20200602-204150_Kurviger Pro|243x500

Welche Karte verwendest Du? Wenn es Onlinekarten sind, hast Du mal einen andere Karte ausprobiert?

Which card do you use? If they are online cards, have you ever tried another card?

You can select another online map (menu “Map | Online maps”).
(OpenScienceMap server seems closed)

And with Kurviger Pro you can use offline maps.

In case you are using offline maps it may be that the route is outside of you map.
Than you would need to add the appropriate map.

Falls Du die Offline-Karten verwendest kann es sein, dass die Route außerhalb der Karte liegt.
Dann müsstest Du noch die entsprechende Karte hinzufügen.