Moving from iOS to Android

I do have a subscription on IOS/OS and just got a Carpe Iter and downloaded the Kurviger app. There seems to be no way to put my credentials in and it asks me to purchase a subscription again. Any idea how to fix this?

There is no Kurviger app on iOS.

Kurviger website and app are not related to third party iOS app subscriptions.
Also desktop | Android | iOS subscriptions are not compatible with each other.

  • “Kurviger offers different premium subscriptions. For the Kurviger website there is Kurviger Tourer and for the Android app Kurviger Pro.”

  • “Kurviger bietet verschiedene Premium Abonnements an. Für die Kurviger Webseite gibt es Kurviger Tourer und für die Android App Kurviger Pro.”

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