Kurviger-Symbole "eingebrannt" (symbols burnt in)

Es ist im Original gut zu sehen: Die kurviger-Symbole haben sich in mein smartphone-Display eingebrannt!
It’s easy to see in the original: The kurviger symbols have burnt themselves into my smartphone display!


Vielleicht würde ein etwas dunklerer Hintergrund dies verringern.
Perhaps a slightly darker background would reduce this.

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You can hide the buttons
Setting | Application | Hide display buttons

Du kannst die Knöpfe ausblenden
Einstellungen | Applikation | Verstecke Display Knöpfe


Exactly, I would also recommend this. You normally do not need these buttons constantly during navigation and then have a better view of the map.

Etwa so:

Kann mit dem “Dark-Mode” so eingestellt werden - noch besser natürlich ist das Ausblenden.


Can we just stop and say this is absolutely insane? Do these people not do product testing? Is this only a Samsung problem or all OLED screens?

I mean… props to you for being such an avid Kurviger user but… this would make me so sad. Does that also mean that all of your phone gets progressively slightly grey-ish over the years?? Cause every LED burning in a tiny bit for each white thing it shows every day should mean at some point the whole display is affected right??

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Danke für den Tipp, hab’s gleich umgestellt.


yes, that is a problem for all OLED-Displays (e.g. Google Pixel, some Samsung and others). Some developer are moving the whole screen 1 or 2 pixels in random directions every few minutes to prevent that. Maybe this can also be implented in kurviger, becaus there are some more static pictures are displayed on the screen,e.g. compass, etc…

Ja, das ist ein Problem bei allen OLED-Displays (z.B. Google Pixel, einige Samsung und andere). Einige Entwickler bewegen den gesamten Bildschirm alle paar Minuten um 1 oder 2 Pixel in zufällige Richtungen, um dies zu verhindern. Vielleicht lässt sich dies auch in kurviger umsetzen, da auf dem Bildschirm noch einige statische Bilder, z.B. Kompass, angezeigt werden.


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Compass can be hidden too:
Setting | location | hide compass

Kompass kann auch ausgeblendet werden
Einstellungen | Standort | Verstecke Kompass

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ok, that’s right, then there is no problem.

It’s better to look before write.


I don’t know any type of screen, that doesn’t have that problem more or less. Could the Sun shining on the display make it worse?

Ich kenne keine Art Bildschirm, die dieses Problem nicht hat; manche mehr manche weniger. Könnte es schlimmer werden, dadurch dass die Sonne darauf scheint?

TFT Displays don’t have any problems with burn-in but they are only found in old or cheap phones, all of the “good” phones nowadays have OLED.

Yes, because the sun causes the display brightness to increase.

See also:

Yes, whenever a pixel of an OLED display lights up, it uses up its limited lifespan and gets darker.
Phones are product-tested on “normal” use-cases like occasional browsing and some WhatsApp and the display will easily endure its designed life cycle of two years. Phones are just not designed to display static images for hours at maximum brightness, which is what we do when using kurviger at sunny weather.

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