Kurviger 2.0.14

Hello, I love Kurviger.
I have bought the Kurviger Pro app in the store and I also bought the tourer abo on your homepage.

Is it possible to connect the tourer abo with the Kurviger 2.0 app?

Greetings from Germany

Hallo, ich habe auch die Pro Version gekauft und bin eigentlich kein Fan von ABO-Modellen.

Auf der anderen Seite ist man als Anwender natĂŒrlich auch daran interessiert, dass ein Produkt, dass man gerne nutzt weiter entwickelt wird. Und bisher wurde die Kurviger App ja auch gut weiter entwickelt, im Sinne seiner User und nicht wie bei Calimoto um möglichst Hip zu erscheinen, egal was die Anwender eigentlich benötigen. Nur mal so als Vergleich, wenn ich bei Calimoto eine Navigation beende, muss ich gefĂŒhlt 10mal klicken um auf die Karte zurĂŒck zu kommen, weil soviel abfragen kommen bzgl. teilen auf Facebook etc.
Auch bei meiner Lieblings App fĂŒr Rad und Wandertouren (Locus MAP) wurde inzwischen ein ABO Modell eingefĂŒhrt, weil anders die Kosten fĂŒr die Entwicklung nicht mehr leistbar sind. Dort hat man allerdings den Leuten, die die Pro Version gekauft haben, die ABO Kosten fĂŒrs erste Jahr erlassen. WĂ€re vielleicht was auch fĂŒr die Kurviger APP?

In der Hoffnung, dass mit dem ABO auch die Entwicklung eines Offline Routings in der APP direkt möglich sind, werde ich natĂŒrlich auch das ABO fĂŒr die 2.0 abschließen. Ich muss sagen, dass 10,-- EUR im Jahr jetzt wirklich mehr als OK fĂŒr ein so gutes Produkt sind.

In dem Sinne macht weiter so. Meine UnterstĂŒtzung habt Ihr.

Google Translation:
Hello, I also bought the Pro version and am actually not a fan of subscription models.

On the other hand, as a user, you are of course also interested in further developing a product that you like to use. And so far the Kurviger app has been further developed in the interests of its users and not, as with Calimoto, to appear as hip as possible, regardless of what the users actually need. Just as a comparison, when I finish a navigation at Calimoto, I feel like I have to click 10 times to get back on the map, because there are so many inquiries about sharing on Facebook etc.
A subscription model has also been introduced for my favorite app for cycling and hiking tours (Locus MAP), because otherwise the costs for development are no longer affordable. There, however, the people who bought the Pro Version were waived the subscription costs for the first year. Maybe something would also be for the Kurviger APP?

In the hope that with the subscription it is also possible to develop offline routing directly in the APP, I will of course also conclude the subscription for 2.0. I have to say that 10 EUR a year is really more than OK for such a good product.

In that sense keep it up. You have my support.


Google Play does not provide such facilities.

And for such a low price it does not make sense to constantly ask about it.


No, the 2 platforms are independent with their own separate stores.

It probably maintains its own separate store.

Google Play does not provide such facilities.

Kurviger app works exclusively on the Google Play Store.
Purchases are private, we do not know who purchased Kurviger.

So I have to buy two abos? One for the app and the other one for planing routes on the homepage?

Just to make it clearly understandable.

Each platform has its own extra features and its own subscription.
You are free to choose which extra features you need and use.

Please see the comparison / overview of Kurviger website and app features:
(thanks @WalterG!)


Ah Ok, no problem for me.

One last thing that most users seem to forget

There are also many servers that work for you: routing, maps, forum, etc.
They can not be paid with air, flowers, one-time purchases or donations!

The model Free/Pro is no longer sustainable, for further development, third party services,
maintenance, hosting, servers, etc.
If we continue with it, Kurviger will stop to exist. Therefore we introduced the subscriptions.

We respect that some of you might not like subscriptions.
You may continue using Kurviger 1 Pro.
(it will be maintained for new Androids)


This is besides the too expensive subscription model also the reason why I finally stopped using calimoto in 2018. Since then, after initial start difficulties, I feel very comfortable with kurviger, because here it is still about motorcycle navigation. At calimoto have increased for me completely unnecessary functions more and more, which I absolutely do not need and do not want to pay.


Es ist legitim, EIN MAL zu fragen, ob es bundle Preise oder VergĂŒnstigungen fĂŒr Langzeitnutzer gibt. Aber auch wenn die Antwort aus technischen GrĂŒnden nachvollziehbar NEIN lautet, sollte man doch ziemlich schnell zu der Einsicht gelangen, dass 9,99€ pro JAHR ein phantastisches Angebot sind, um neue, absolut sinnvolle Features nutzen zu können.

Ich bin schon jahrelang dabei und kenne keinen anderen Anbieter, der die WĂŒnsche seiner Nutzer derart schnell, effizient und fehlerfrei umsetzt. Eventuelle Probleme, die selten auftreten, werden konsequent korrigiert. Das gibt es nirgends sonst.

It is legitimate to ask ONCE if there are bundle prices or discounts for long-term users. But even if the answer is understandably NO for technical reasons, you should come to the realisation pretty quickly that 9.99€ per YEAR is a fantastic offer to be able to use new, absolutely reasonable features.

I have been a member for years and know of no other provider who implements the wishes of its users so quickly, efficiently and flawlessly. Any problems, which rarely occur, are consistently corrected. You won’t find that anywhere else.


da so ein tolles Programm natĂŒrlich auch Entwicklungskosten mit sich bringt ist ein Abo auf jeden Fall OK.
Meine Frage wĂ€re jetzt nur, wenn ich das Abo fĂŒr Kurviger 2 abschließe ist es dann auch auf all meinen Android GerĂ€ten nutzbar, so wie es bei der Pro Version ja auch funktioniert?
Auf jeden Fall ist Kurviger eine tolle Sache die auch unterwegs viel Spass macht.

LG Armin

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This is handled by Google Play and should work similarly.
Please see the Google Play Help where it states:

“You can use apps you bought on Google Play on any Android device without paying again.
However, each device must have the same Google Account on it.”


and thank you for the quick reply.

With kind regards
Armin Lehmann

I am honestly thrilled by your new subscription model, hoping that means we will keep this excellent app as well as see further development along the way and I think the pricing is very competitive compared to alternative and lesser solutions.

I have had and used your Kurviger 1 Pro app for some years now (Since beta at least), and use it extensively for my motorcycle driving and finding new routes.
Major :+1: from here.

I have beta-tested Kurviger 2 only a few times so far, and have found its new features very nice and helpful. I can already feel that I will be using it as much in the future as I have so far. Big fan here :wink:

Feedback on the route segment options:
If this part should be posted in a different thread, please let me know.
I recall in the past having suggested (together with others) being able to set up settings for segments of the route and now you have implemented it. Awsome.

I have an additonal, and important to me, request though, or maybe it is just because I have not yet figured out how to use it.
For each segment I can choose between fastest, fast and curvy and so on, but
 I would VERY much like to also en- and disable motorways, ferries and so on per segment, basically I would like to have all the normal options for a route, but potentially different for each segment of the route.

I have started planning a route from Denmark to Gibraltar, and at least for the first part through Germany I would like to use motorways part of the way, then choose not to use motorways for some time, then later during a part of France I would like to use partly motorway again.

Best regards, Jan


Thanks for the kind words!

This was suggested also in multiple route profiles topic.
Now the avoid options + strengths apply to whole route.

(please create a new topic, as it involves a new feature)


I am not sure in what sub-forum I should create the new thread. I cannot create a new topic in the one called “New features”.

“New features” are handled by the administrators after approving something for implementation.

You can suggest new ideas in Routing or Website categories,
as the server must first implement any new routing functions.

Thanks for the updated version. Kurviger was already my favorite navigation app and it only gets better.

I understand the decision to change the licensing model, Kurviger is not a charity :). I hope it will work out as expected and keep Kurviger alive!


Kurviger 2.0.13 is on Google Play:

- Various improvements