Import Manager - Some uncomfortable things

Testroute has 11 waypoints: Demo-01-POI-Route_R_WP_5SP.gpx (2.0 KB)

The message “too many route calculation” appears to early. Playing with the points (no mater which object you use, manual entry) seems always to trigger immediately a recalculation.

  • I think it would be fine, after an interaction a puase of a about hal a second would be useful.
  • The red error message does not appear after a minute, or even you waited a minute and change the count once again.

From my experience this immediate recalculation is very uncomfortable the more waypoints you have.

The route has 11 waypoints. It is impossible to manually enter “5” waypoints.

Doing backspace, the field is not cleared, so that I am able to enter a “5”, the valus is reduced to the minimum of 2 points. Tested on web and app.

When I enter a 5, the application assumes I want to enter 25, and reduces to maximum points of 11 again.

I have a tested with some gpx-files with a lot of waypoints. Here beyond 350 points, which are even route-points. It is a file from the website of a competitor. The header data for xml and gpx are at least from my point missing and weird, but it is how it is.

10_Deutschland_SchwarzwaldEntdecker.gpx (144.5 KB)

On my phone importing this file makes the app collapsing, when changing the count of points, like if I would need ten times of power. Importing on PC-browser is fine.

This is correct. How do you “play” with it? I haven’t seen the message during my tests. It can happen if you did some wild testing before and then just load a new file?

If I either just enter 5 or move the slider, there is only 1 recalculation. Are you clicking the arrow down?

Ok, I can see the issue here, but if you mark the text, you can enter 5. You can’t clear it though, that’s right. We will have a look :+1:

Thank we will have a look :+1:

In web-browser, I use mainly the slider with arrow down/up, what leads usually to the warning, as I do many clicks in short time.

For web-browser on PC, yes, but is still an very unusal way to enter a value. Normally, I place the cursor and use the back-button. In the app, there is no arrow down. To mark the input in an app is even more unusal.

Other thoughts
Perhaps it could be better to avoid any recalculation, while entering the count, and just let the user do a recalulation, when he has finished his entry (user must press button “Recalculate”).

In the app / on the phone, at least my experience with many points is, that entering / editing the count of points forces unneccesary recalculations, and the power of my phone or my phone´s browser(?) is not able to handle this.

On the phone, perhaps the entry field could be removed in favor of the slider? The slider could even behave logarithmic. When you have a big count, let me say 350, it makes probably no difference to set it to 200 or 250, while when I move the slider to left, it would be easier to set 10 or 15. This is currently very hard to select with the proportional behaviour of the slider.

Just ideas.

Thanks. I would be nice to find a way to import these files easily. :wink:


Yes maybe, but that might also be a bit annoying :thinking:

Yeah, phones, especially iPhones seem to be having performance issues here. We need to see if we can improve this :+1: