Import error with app 1.14.16 from website


since yesterday’s app update I can’t import kurviger routes. The attached error message is always displayed.

Kurviger Pro 1.14.16
Google Pixel 4XL Android 11



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Thanks for the report.

Please also attach the kurviger file,
otherwise it is impossible for anyone to check and reproduce the report.

It affects all kurviger files, existing ones (DieKurve-Albrock-Villa-310KM.kurviger) and also a newly (Test.kurviger) created via the website. I also exported the newly created (Test.kurviger) one as GPX (Test.gpx) and it can be imported into the app.

DieKurve-Albrock-Villa-310KM.kurviger (42.0 KB)

Test.kurviger (22.7 KB)

Test.gpx (337.5 KB)

Thanks for the kurviger files.

Kurviger files created by the app seem to work fine.

I will check why the website files have a problem…

Bei denn kurviger.Dateien von @Uwe zeigt meine App denn selben Fehler an.

My app shows the same error for @Uwe’s kurviger.files.

Emux, may eventually help …
This 8 month old file works: FränkischeSchweiz4_1.kurviger (42.0 KB)
2021-04-09 14.14.28
And this 2 month old not: FränkischeSchweiz4_2.kurviger (32.7 KB)
2021-04-09 14.15.00


Thanks for the report.

Fixed in Kurviger 1.14.17.

(routes exported with 1.14.16 need to be exported again)

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perfect… I updated the app and now the import works again.

Thank you for the quick solution and many greetings…


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