bug in Schleiz?

I’m new here so please baer with me if I’m making a mistake.

Yesterday I downloaded a gpx track from motoradonline,
This route is partially using the race track at Schleiz, namely the road called
“Schleizer Dreieck”.

The problem is that the track snippet following the race track is not usable in the
Kurviger App, because the road “Schleizer Dreieck” is not visible in the
file. However, it is visible just fine in OSM, albeit colored differently than normal

So I wonder, is that an import bug when generating the map file, or is that race
track deliberately left out?

EDIT: After some more toying around I found that, while the race track is visible
on the map, it’s unusable there, too.

I researched OSM and found

If that’s correct, access is yes, so shouldn’t the track be allowed to be used in Kurviger?
Or does Kurviger deliberately disable raceway tags?

Thanks and keep up the good work,


Hallo Corinna,

ich gehe mal davon aus, das das Problem der DE:Tag:highway=raceway ist und deshalb Kurviger dort nicht lang routet.
Ich habe auch schon öfters Routen von Motorradonline heruntergeladen und frag mich wie diese zustande kommen.
Im Harz ging eine Strecke direkt durch den Wald…
Auf Google Maps sieht man übrigens das die Strecke abgesperrt ist, was ich so auch schon bei der Vorbeifahrt selber gesehen habe.
Ähnliches “Problem” bei Weltwitz, da ist ein Landwirtschaftsweg eingetragen.

Hello, Corinna,

I assume that the problem is the DE:Tag:highway=raceway and therefore Kurviger doesn’t route long there.
I have also downloaded routes from Motorradonline several times and wonder how they come about.
In the Harz a route went directly through the forest…
On Google Maps you can see that the route is closed off, which I already saw on the drive past.
Similar “problem” with Weltwitz, there is an agricultural way registered.

Translated with

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Thanks for replying!

In the Harz a route went directly through the forest…

I guess the GPS Tracker had no signal for a while? In case of the Schleiz Dreieck, it’s very clear they followed the race track. Maybe they just ignored the restrictions en route :wink:

On Google Maps you can see that the route is closed off

Oh, I didn’t notice that. I was never in Schleiz myself and on OSM there’s no gate of any kind (or did I just miss that?), so I assumed the track is open all the time. Given that, it makes sense to ignore the track in Kurviger.


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Yes this could be the reason. Maybe someone living there could provide some vital information here? We could fix that for the routing if that’s the correct choice.

Hallo Corinna,

wenn die Lage vor Ort unklar ist, leg ich mir immer einen Punkt davor und dahinter und schau es mir selber an.

Hello, Corinna,

if the situation on site is unclear, I always put a point in front of and behind it and look at it for myself.

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