Force a rerouting during navigation

Great idea, Mario!

But a bigger problem I found is that hopeless neverending rerouting in areas without internet connection.
Is it really not possible to reroute without internet connection if you have offline maps?

Yes, fine. I just wanted to add a new topic for this. Permanent re-routing is a mess, especially when no offline-re-routing is available, so switching off by default is good. But as soon as the friendly voice tells me that I have left my route, there could a button made visible to switch on automatic-rerouting. Same Button can act as a toggle to switch it back to “not re-route” again.


That is a very interesting proposal.

So witch recalculation deactivated and if an off route situation is detected, we could offer a manual rerouting option? What do others think about this?

I think this is a good idea, but please offer this button only in online and not offline mode :wink:

If this is technically possible to check before, if an internet connection is available, yes, this would be good.
Or alternatively if the button is a toggle which stops the recalculation immediately, then it can just be pressed again when there is no internet connection.
The re-calculation without internet connection is really a mess as long as there is no real offline re-calculation available, it acts like an endless loop.

At a first glance I thought this is a good idea. Thinking more about it, I am not sure anymore :thinking:
I am not a fan of this buttons cluttering the map.
Especially when riding off the route, I want to see as much as possible of the map.

All in all, I think a reduced menu, which is only active in navigation mode would be better.
There a toggle switch automatic rerouting on off would fit perfect.




Exactly that’s currently the idea for hosting all those navigation related things. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is the “force re-calculation” no longer an issue?
What about long-pressing the GPS symbol on the right hand to force calculation? No new button, but a good ON DEMAND function which is not triggered undesired.

Thing is that everyone can come up with ideas to put extra functions on existing buttons.
So this needs careful design, where an extra menu probably can include all of them.

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I definitely support the proposal of having the possibility to force the rerouting but especially for the route creation. If I have to edit the route without internet connection (e.g. in a rural area) and get internet connection later, I have to change a setting in Routing–>Optionen in order to trigger a rerouting.

Hint: can long press on a waypoint, even the slightest move triggers a routing calculation.


I fully support this request. But this multiple use of button I don’t like.
Suggestion: when leaving the route, a sign with exclamation mark appears. Tap on sign to start recalculation would be very convenient.


That’s another interesting idea! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I second that, that is a really interesting idea :slight_smile:

100% agree with that! Tapping on that sign would definitely be the best way to solve that.

In next Kurviger can force a rerouting during navigation by tap the warning sign (visible when being off route). :slightly_smiling_face:


Implemented in Kurviger 1.3.