Forbidden road


I’m planning a trip to pyrenes. I will visit “Cañón de Añisclo”. This is a one way road. I drive many other times, always using kurviger.

Now it’s not possible to make a route, it seems that the road is not allowed for motor vehicles. I verified it on OSM, but all seems ok.

The road is allowed for motor vehicles and the sense is correct.

Is something wrong on OSM?

da gibt es eine Brücke, die keine Fahrstreifen-Eigenschaft hinterlegt hat. Das wird wohl das Problem sein …

There is a bridge that has no lane property stored. That will probably be the problem …

I have extended the entry…


Well, at least this part is tagged with motorcycle=no

I removed all unplausible restrictions from that road segment (i.e. no motorcycle=no anymore)

There is another issue that I don’t understand

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Maybe someone made the changes due an error.


I guess so.
Look at the history Version #2
These many restrictions differ so wide from the rest of “Carretera del Cañón de Añisclo” that its most likely done unintentional.

Let us see what Kurviger does after its database has updated this changes.