Erstellte Routen lassen sich nicht Importieren


ich habe die Kurviger Pro App 1.14.15 (incl. BRouter) und damit ein Problem.

Wenn ich eine erstellte Route exportieren möchte geht nur die Kurviger (offline) (*.kurviger) Auswahl.

Beim späteren Importieren der erstellten Route erscheint dann die Fehlermeldung “Ungültige Datei”.

Können Sie mir bitte weiter helfen.

In the export dialog, there a list to select the export route format.

When exporting a route make sure to not delete the file extension.

The valid route files are those with a valid file name + extension:
like filename.kurviger, filename.gpx, …

Can you show this file, what is its file name?

ich hatte dasselbe Problem. Wenn du die Route exportierst wird das als BIN Datei gespeichert, damit kann dein Handy erstmal nichts anfangen.
Wenn du die Datei mit einem normalen Datei Explorer auf dem Handy die Endung “kurviger” hinzufügst wird sie problemlos geladen. Also z.B. so: beispielroute.kurviger

Unfortunately, Android forces apps to use its file manager, so they cannot do anything else.

The app always suggests a valid file name with the correct extension in the export process.

To save with a different file name, only change the name and do NOT delete the extension.

I created a route with the web version, share it via shortlink with the app and wanted to save it. There were the suggested filename WITHOUT a extension to see.I changed the filename and saved it. The extension were not added automatically so the android system makes a binary file which of course no app could open. I take a similar filemanager and added an .kurviger no problems to open since that.
Rudi-79 described exactly this problem and I’m confident he can solve it with adding an extension.

App always suggests a file name + extension.

You probably deleted both file name + extension.

Applications cannot control Android’s (forced) file manager.
So you should not delete the extension in Android’s dialog.
(otherwise it will save the file without extension)

I solved the Problem like I described and it works fine for me. Let’s wait for Rudi-79

There is not any problem, unless we create it by deleting the suggested extension. :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a simple test: import any route and then export it as e.g. *.kurviger.
Android file manager will suggest <route name>.kurviger as file name.

you are absolutely right. The whole suggested filename+extension is marked when you are in the save dialog. If you rename it you overwrite the suggested filename and the extension and if you do not enter a new extension the system save it as an BIN file.
This is actually not a problem but it could be the solution path for Rudi