Error message

Message: TypeError: t is null - URL: undefined -Line: 2 - Column: undefined -Error object: {}

(Debug information, this helps us helping you, you can remove this if you don’t want to share this data, it should not contain any personal or sensitive information)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:132.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/132.0
Cookies Enabled: true
Screen: 4071 x 1704 px - 0.8450704225352113dppx

Danke fürs Melden, kannst du mehr zum Fehler sagen, wann tritt dieser auf etc?

Attached some screenshots with explanations related to the error messages (Firefox).
Error message from Firefox while on Kurviger website.pdf (1.3 MB)

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Thanks for providing more info. So, when you switch to the features page you see these errors in Firefox. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to reproduce these issues.

Are you using any browser extensions/plugins - especially privacy and ad related plugins often result in weird results. See also our documentation here: Somehow Kurviger does not Behave the Way I would expect it, what can I do? [Kurviger Knowledgebase]

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