Compass and label of geographic direction

There was a misunderstanding here:
Obviously can write in any language in forum!
Here is just preparation of a wiki documentation.

Thanks @Uli_LH!

Some notes to clarify better some cases:

  • Inside navigation if tap the compass can switch map rotation & tilt on / off.

  • Outside navigation if tap the compass then map orientation dialog appears.
    With Manual selection, if rotate / tilt with gestures, then 1 tap reverts map back.

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Ok, will add this to the top of the text as a sort of “short overview about options in general”, followed then by my detailed explanatory notes as presented above - agree with that?

Sure, but you still need to switch the (A) and (B) labels in your descriptions, like mentioned above.
Now the descriptions are hosted in the opposite categories.

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Hehe - yes … many eyes find many mistakes … it’s good like this! :grin:

Will correct and move this later to a new category “Documentation”.



Compass and label of geografic direction

In the top-left corner of the map you can find a compass symbol . You can add your current bearing next to the compass by enabling the option at ( Settings - Map - Bearing ). When you enable this option you will see an additional label below the compass with the usual abbreviations for geographic directions (e.g. NE ).

The arrow of the compass symbol shows the direction to the geografic north of the map.
The label below (letters of compass directions) shows the compass bearing, i.e. direction of current movement.

Using is different in different modes of Kurviger:

In general:

  • Inside navigation (“Navigation mode”): By tapping the compass you can switch map rotation & tilt on / off,
  • Outside navigation (“Browse map mode” and “Follow location mode”): By tapping the compass you trigger a map orientation dialog. - With Manual selection, if map is rotated / tilted with gestures, then 1 tap reverts map back.

In detail:

A “Navigation mode”:

Tapping the compass toggles directly between turning on and turning off map rotation (hint appears in a bubble):
1) Map rotation: Off:
Top of map remains directed to north
(you can rotate the map with two fingers, but also in this case with 2 taps the map rotates back to top = north),
2) Map rotation: On:
Orientation of map follows current direction of movement (i.e. the location arrow remains upwards),

You should choose
(1), if you prefer to stay orientated about geografic north always while moving - then the label informs you about the geografic direction of your current movement (and the location arrow rotates too accordingly),
(2), if you prefer to see always the course of the route in front of you towards the top of the map - then the compass informs you about the direction of geografic north of course rotates).

B “Browse map” mode and “Follow location” mode:

A tap on the compass symbol let you choose:
1) Manual:
Top of map remains directed to north
(you can rotate map with two fingers but also in this case with 2 taps the map rotates back to top = north),.
2) GPS (2D or 3D*):
Orientation of map follows current direction of movement (i.e. the location arrow remains upwards),
3) Compass (2D or 3D):
the map rotates and tilts based on device compass readings, instead of GPS sensor.

You should choose
(1), if you prefer to stay orientated about geografic north always while moving - then the label informs you about the geografic direction of your current movement (and the location arrow rotates too accordingly),
(2), if you prefer to see always the course of the route in front of you towards the top of the map - then the compass informs you about the direction of geografic north of course rotates),
(3), if you want to get information about directions without moving, because the device’s compass does not need movement; but this may have the disadvantage of erroneous readings due to device sensor quality without calibration and being affected by near electronic equipment.

*) Will be implemented soon.

Very nice description! :+1: :smiley:

Some notes:

Inside navigation the tap on compass only switches map rotation & tilt on / off, does not revert anything.

That better be renamed to:
B “Pure map mode” without navigation OR “Following mode”:

In Manual map orientation mode need only 1 tap to revert map rotation & tilt.

Bitte nicht falsch verstehen Oliver :slight_smile:. Inhaltliche Korrekturen sind auch hier sehr gern in allen Sprachen gesehen. Allerdings sind automatische Übersetzungen von z.B. Google Translate, nicht immer 100% genau. Deshalb sind minimale sprachliche Änderungen von automatischen Übersetzungen nicht immer zielführend. Der Beitrag wird in der Dokumentation dann aber händisch übersetzt. Nach der händischen Übersetzung sind auch minimale Korrekturen sehr gern gesehen.

Große Teile der Dokumentation wurden von mir geschrieben und ich bin nicht für meine makellose Rechtschreibung bekannt. Unsere Doku ist übrigens ein Wiki, jeder darf mitmachen, sollte dir also was auffallen, bitte gern verbessern oder melden :slight_smile:.

Thank you very much for your effort Uli! This is a nice piece of documentation!

Maybe we should split this in several sentences like:

In the top-left corner of the map you can find a compass symbol. You can add your current bearing next to the compass by enabling the option at ( Settings - Map - Bearing). When you enable this option you will see an additional label below the compass with the usual abbreviations for geographic directions (e.g. NE ).

I think we don’t need to mention “as every compass”?

Alles gut :+1::wink:

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Do not agree in this case … have a trial!

Do not agree too: It’s the same with navigation ON, if you are in following mode.

Ok, perhaps unclear, so like this:

1) Manual :
Top of map remains directed to north
(you can rotate map with two fingers, but another tap rotates map back to top = north).

Better / more clear?

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There isn’t any follow mode on/off inside navigation, it’s just navigation itself handling everything!

The modes are explicit and separate:

  • Map browsing
  • Follow location
  • Navigation (Pro)

You see it from developer’s logical view.
But in user’s frontend view it is of course different:

Sometimes when cruising in a group, I just follow someone else on the road,
but have additionally activated routing to destination arranged before
AND have switched off navigaton, but see the route Kurviger proposes on map,
AND have activated following mode:

THAT is the situation I wanted to include.

That is follow location (not navigation), works in Free app too.

(B) description is for “Browse map” & “Follow location” modes.

Thing is that better avoid using the “navigation” term outside navigation or else users would expect different workflow in the simpler modes?

I see, that I obviously do not distiguish clearly enough between “navigation” and “routing” (perhaps I mainly used Kurviger App Pro from the beginning, so routing leads nerly always directly to navigation).

Perhaps we should add and explain this fundamental difference between these modes in another “Introduction to Kurviger” contribution at the top of the documentation, because it is needed in several case distictions in the documentation (“didactically” thought)?

Seems nice idea!

Also need to separate Routing from Navigation terms and not mix them:

  • Routing is about calculate routes, works in Free + Pro (currently online)
  • Navigation is about guidance on calculated routes, works in Pro (offline)

I tried to consider all your suggestions and corrections - pls have a look to the last version of the “contribution to documentation” in this topic above (you may find see all changes in “see edits” mode).

I hope, I did not forget anything? Then we could add it like it is to the documentation and translate it to German.

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