Deleted my bookmarks - can I restore them?

Hi guys,

I accidentally deleted all my bookmarks :frowning_man:
Not sure what happened …
Is there a way to restore deleted bookmarks ?


Das ist mir leider auch schon passiert. Du kannst die Lesezeichen nur immer wieder, zwischen durch, exportieren. @devemux86 vielleicht wäre in dem Zusammenhang eine zusätzliche Abfrage sinnvoll?

Unfortunately, this has already happened to me. You can only export the bookmarks again and again, between through. @devemux86 maybe an additional query would be useful in this context?

Backup everything via export is always the best advice.

There is already an additional question to clearly confirm that you want to delete the bookmarks.
For safety reasons it is already a 2-step verification process: press “Clear” + confirm with “OK”.


Stimmt, die Abfrage ist da. :grinning: jetzt grübel ich, wie ich es bisher “ausversehen” gelöscht habe :thinking:

Right, the query is there. :grinning: now I’m brooding as I “accidentally” deleted it :thinking: