Auto recalculation optimization

Automatic route recalculation at navigation is still a somewhat difficult to realise annoying item.
Especially the multiple repetitions of returning suggestions from where you already came is annoying.

See the Cruiser forum with a contribution that possibly can also optimise the Kurviger motorbiking experience. Find suggestion here:

What is most different between cycle touring and motor biking is the speed.

  • For cycling, therecalculation distance setting is suggested to be 50m.
  • However, for motorbiking a setting of 100m seems more appropriate.

You leave your restarting point (green pin) and thus leave the nogo zone in the false direction.
Only after 100 m (motorbike) another recalculation happens but now with a blocking towards the green restarting pin. This should give you enough time to think about what you want to do next.

By blocking the suggested route in the app, you can also force an alternative design, but then you have to stop (safely) and operate the screen.
Because of the small nogo zone blocking around the green pin restart point, as you may not want to go back because you were already there, you do not have to operate the screen manually.

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Thanks for the suggestion.

I may see what is possible in the future.

However, this asks the navigator to address the shortcomings of the routing services:

As for autorecalculation experiences this by using the current Brouter app version.

Current Locus map app already uses the suggested method in a somewhat similar way.
However, the nogo zone blocking is only effective for the 3rd consecutive autorecalculation.
There is also an annoying limitation regarding the time slots between consecutive recalculations.
Result: This all takes too long and often you have already missed good alternative detours.

In the proposal here, the no-go zone is already effective at the 2nd consecutive autorecalculation.
So if you drive wrong, you probably have already ignored a turn instruction. = Signal 1.
After +100m you will get an out of track alert and an autorecalculation. = Signal 2.
At the new restart position find the corresponding green pin inclusive small 20m nogo zone…
Anyway very often that first autorecalculation result will suggest to return.
A return command is no problem, both cylebikes and motorbikes have handlebars.
However, it should not be repeated several multiple times if you do not want to return.
So you have over a distance of 100m the necessary time to execute this suggestion or not.
If you drive any further in the wrong direction, you will get a new autorecalculation after another 100m.
The previous small nogo zone now will than block a return and an alternative is forced.
The green restart pin with the corresponding small nogo zone is then moved again.
If you now follow the alternative, you leave the green restart pin with the nogo zone behind you permanently.

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Maybe I am totally wrong, but if you turn off ‘strict route navigation’ you should have more or less the behaviour that you described. I was also thinking that the strict route navigation is mandatory to keep the origin route (which in fact is the case) but sometimes it is not possible to take this one. I made the experience that route recalculation less strict route navigation worked quite well for my needs - either there is a road blockage (no go area) or I take the decision for a shortcut as I was too ambigious during the planning phase :wink: I do not use the oral option, just watch the device, but latest with the second recalculation the new route is displayed, so I assume this would also stop the annoying spoken route instructions.

It is recommended to use the manual rerouting when needed,
e.g. skip next waypoint or avoid roadblock.

The app displays a direction sign to return to the route:

Um zu verhindern das der BROUTER die geplante Route “zerschiesst” wäre es sinnvoll wenn bei der Routenberechnung mit Kurviger so ca alle 20km ein Wegpunkt eingefügt würde. So könnte der BROUTER nur bis zum nächsten WP berechnen und dann ginge es auf der Kurviger Route weiter.
Ich mache das momentan ziemlich umständlich so: Abspeichern als GPX plus zusätzliche WP(automatisch).
Wieder aufrufen und dann als Kurviger Datei abspeichern.
Dann sind genug WP vorhanden und die ursprünglich geplante Tour bleibt bei Umleitungen etc. grösstenteils erhalten.

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Hints for recalculation optimization you find in the docu:

Hinweise zur Optimierung der Routenneuberechnung findest du in der Doku:


Mir iste ein paarmal passiert das beim Verlassen der geplanten Route kein Internetempfang vorhanden war,der BROUTER die Berechnung übernommen hat,und mangels weiterer WP eine komplett andere Route herauskam.Da hilft oft nur die abgespeicherte Route neu zu laden.
Jetzt kann man die Neuberechnung ausschalten,nur KURVIGER berechnung etc…
Am Einfachsten ist meiner Meinung nach die "WP"Methode.
Da brauch ich mich um nix gross zu kümmern und es klappt.
Quasi Idiotensicher…

Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, wollen Sie also vermeiden, dass es bei einem Entwurf mit wenigen oder gar keinen dazwischenliegenden Referenzplanungspunkten es immer noch so manche (auto)rerouting-Ziele gibt.
Wenn die Strecke also automatisch hinzugefügte feste (diskrete) km Entfernungs indikatoren enthält, könnten Sie auch diese als nützliche autorerouting ziele aufwerten.
Gar keine so schlechte Idee.

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