App: WunderLINQ

The desired links in the following. Please note, for some of them we need a registration to read the content.

Much is discussed in the last link. But you can only see this if you log in. Unfortunately.

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Thanks, video & review in 2nd link describe nicely the possibilities and the difficulties with the apps depending their structure.

Map scroll / zoom may seem possible, but app UI / menu seems requiring UI changes to highlight selections with different color, etc.

I think if scrolling / zooming with the wheel works, that would be a great thing at the beginning.

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Hi devemux86 (not knowing your real name - sorry)

Thanks first for reviewing the requirements :slight_smile:
I do suggest you to get in contact with Keith Conger. App: WunderLINQ
He is one of the WunderLINQ owners and developers. So he is able to give you the details for the minimum functions required.

Thanks a gain for having a look into this, what ever the results will be.

Best regards,

Es würde ja schon reichen die Zoomfunktion mit ein zubinden.

Bei Locus musste ich nur die Config Datei anpassen Siehe unten.

Hallo Thorsten,
es gibt ein paar Dinge, die du ausprobieren könntest:

a) Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die HW-Tastensteuerung in Locus aktiviert ist (gehen Sie zu Locus-Einstellungen> Steuern> Kartenbildschirm> Benutzerhardwaretasten> EIN).

b) Gehen Sie in das Locus-Verzeichnis / config.cfg, öffnen Sie es in einem beliebigen Texteditor und bearbeiten Sie die folgenden Parameter:

Tasten, die die Zoom-Aktion steuern

hardware_buttons_action_map_zoom_in = 81 | 24 | s70 | 97 | 19

Tasten, die die Aktion “Verkleinern” steuern

hardware_buttons_action_map_zoom_out = 69 | 25 | 96 | 20

c) Speichern Sie die Datei config.cfg und starten Sie Locus Map neu.

und es läuft.

Gruß Thorsten

Hi devemux86,

I’m the WunderLINQ app developer, please let me know how I can help.

A basic integration is documented here.

Basically we have you map the ESCAPE key to open our URL. We also need some launch intents or URLs so we can:

  • Open Kurviger without interrupting current navigation
  • Open Kurviger to view a waypoint
  • Open Kurviger to navigate to a waypoint

This allows back and forth flow between the apps and for us to open Kurviger in the scenarios we use.

The other feature is zoom in/out with UP and DOWN keys.

There isn’t needed any config file in Kurviger, so cannot see the usefulness of that.

There was a similar doc and could not understand how would benefit specifically Kurviger app.

But Kurviger is the active navigator.

Kurviger is supposed to be already opened for such workflows + navigation.

Seems there is a misunderstanding, the request is to make app modifications so that other apps are used instead of Kurviger?

To worth our resources, the scenario could be to use Kurviger app via the control instead of gestures.


Sorry for the confusion. There are two parts to the WunderLINQ. First is the hardware which provides a limited keyboard with UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,ESCAPE and ENTER. The second is the WunderLINQ App which you could think of as a launcher and control hub. The WunderLINQ app will control music playback, control GoPros, view performance data and faults and launch Navigation Apps.

The WunderLINQ app would launch Kurviger in those three scenarios I listed previously. The user would then use Kurviger for their navigation needs. But say down the road the user wants to turn on GoPro recording, they could use escape to go back to the WunderLINQ app, start GoPro recording and then they would use the WunderLINQ navigation shortcut to go back to Kurviger to finish their navigation.

A deeper integration in Kurviger would be full control of the UI, like what Scenic currently does. The document I provided is a basic integration that allows us to go back and fourth between the WunderLINQ app and suggests UP/DOWN for map zooming.

Here are some videos that illustrate what a basic integration looks like.



Thanks for the explanation.

Is that available on Google Play and does it work on Android emulator with pc keyboard so can be tested on development environment?

So seems there are 3 functions:

  • Handle map via the control hardware
  • Integration of Kurviger with control’s app
  • Deep handling of Kurviger UI / menus

First function seems more straightforward.
For the 2nd function and specially the 3rd function, more serious app changes could be needed, as app was not constructed with such external interactivity in mind.

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Yes, the app is free in the store and you can use any Bluetooth keyboard to test.

Thanks for looking into this.

Regular wired keyboards available to everyone don’t work?

Just looking at the options.

It’s important when have time to can test on Android emulator with regular equipment (e.g. wired keyboard) like do with all other development.

Yes, sorry wired also works.

Hi all,
Just retrieved my WunderLINQ from customs. I would very much like to control at least part of Kurviger Pro through the wheel on my handle bars. Is there any update on whether or not WunderLINQ will be supported by Kurviger (Pro) in the near future?


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ich wäre ja schon Glücklich, wenn das zoomen unterstützt würde.

Gruß Thorsten

Ich würde gerne die WunderLINQ-Integration in die KURVIGER-App sehen.

Leider scheinen die Entwickler von kein Interesse an der Bedienung von der kurviger-App per Wunderlinq zu haben. Seit über eine Jahr wird hier schon geschrieben aber nichts passiert. Ich habe jetzt jedenfalls meine Konsequenzen gezogen und werde eine andere Navigationsapp nutzen, welche von Wunderlinq unterstützt wird. Schade eigentlich da ich sonst mit zufrieden war.

Aber man sieht ja, andere Entwickler sind da gegenüber neuen Sachen aufgeschlossener und schneller. Zumal eine Bedienung ohne die Hände vom Lenker nehmen zu müssen ein deutlicher Sicherheitsgewinn für uns Biker ist. Und schon das alleine müsste es den Entwicklern von wert sein!

Stattdessen haben sich die Entwickler (eigentlich der Entwickler) mit so unwichtigem Zeug wie offline routing beschäftigt, was eh keinen interessiert. :rage:

Instead, the developers have dealt with such unimportant stuff as offline routing, which nobody cares anyway.




“Und ich hätte gerne ein Sektfrühstück mit Christine Neubauer!” (Zitat aus einem Ebernhofer-Krimi)

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Ein Sicherheitsgewinn? Tatsächlich? Das Navi bzw. Handy während der Fahrt bedienen und sich vom Verkehr ablenken lassen? :thinking:

A security advantage? Really? Operating the navigation system or mobile phone while driving and being distracted by traffic? :thinking:

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