App: Switch to pay-as-you-go licensing

Any app’s future cannot be based on one-time purchase & donations.
Otherwise cannot expect new features development or maintenance.

(please see also all above discussions)

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That’s true and accepted.
But I’d like to donate today, even if you change your business model next week. And I think there are some more in this community who think similarly. Just take it as a tip for exceptional services.


There are 2 different platforms, developed separately by 2 different people.
App only uses server routing, anything else needs another business model.

Such features are possible only after switch the app to a subscription model.

Warum nicht für die Website und App separat bezahlen?
Dann wären folgende Zahlungsarten möglich:
a) nur website - jemand zahlt für die Planung mit der website und überlässt das Routing einem Navigationssystem
b) nur app - Planung mit der app und Routing mit der app oder einem Navigationssystem
c) beides (“full service”) - Planung mit der website und Routing über die app
Ich persönlich nähme c) - obwohl ich auch kein Freund von Abonnements bin, mache ich hier eine Ausnahme.

Why not pay separately for the website and app?
Then the following payment methods would be possible:
a) website only - someone pays for planning with the website and leaves the routing to a navigation system
b) app only - planning with the app and routing with the app or a navigation system
c) both (“full service”) - planning with the website and routing via the app
I personally take c) - although I am not a friend of subscriptions either, I make an exception here.

They can only be separate, as they are 2 different platforms with separate facilities.

A sustainable future of the app can only be possible like it is done by all other apps:

Kurviger 1 Free + Pro apps are being replaced by one unified Kurviger 2 app.

Kurviger 2 app is free with Pro features as in-app subscription (with free trial).

Kurviger 1 Pro app remains available and will be maintained for current owners.
They can continue to enjoy it, but new features apply to Kurviger 2 subscription.

You can transfer your routes, bookmarks, recorded tracks, maps, preferences
to Kurviger 2 app.

This is the only way to keep Kurviger app development alive in the future.
Current model has no more life, it will cause Kurviger app to stop to exist.

Available in Kurviger 2.0.9 (Beta).

OK. Finally.
I have Kurviger 1 Pro. What do I need to run Kurviger 2?
Is there some in-app activation of the subscription?
Thank you for your continuing support and development
of this fine app. Please keep on.

Havn’t seen a price tag, yet. So what does it cost???

As far as I can see Kurviger 2 is in beta phase yet, →

  1. Take part in beta program
    Kurviger Beta program
  2. Install Kurviger 2.0.7
    Kurviger 2.0.11 (Beta)
  3. To get all features do a subscription inside Kurviger App
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The subscriptions are available in free Kurviger app.

Kurviger 2 is still in Beta program, see the instructions for participation.

The subscription prices are the same as the website (in Germany).
(2.49 € / month or 9.99 € / year)

Apps set a price without tax and Google Play calculates the final price with tax per country.

Thanks to these two points, I will keep using the Kurviger app. First, Kurviger 1 Pro and later on Kurviger 2 with significant more features to a fair price of ~10 €/year. :+1:

However, is a subscription for Kurviger 2 (app) the same as a Kurviger Tourer (website)? If not, I can use multiple route profiles for segments at the one but not the other, right?

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With this link currently you reach Google Play with the App Kurviger (Free) 1.14.17, released on Friday 09.April 2021. In this version is missing the Abo selection (Menu-Button > Abo).

What I am doing wrong?

The subscriptions are separate for the app and website.

The multiple route profiles are available in the app subscription.

Because Kurviger 2 Beta program is active.
The subscription will be available to the public release when the Beta program ends.

Sorry, I corrected the above link for participation in Beta program.

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Do I understand it right, that if I paid for the Pro version last year, it is now useless, because all the new features has to be paid again? If this is it, I am fairly disappointed. You might at least provide quite a few years the Pro 2 features for us, who paid the Pro 1…


Google Play does not provide such facilities.

Thank you for purchasing Kurviger Pro, you can keep using it in the future.
We will maintain and update it for you, so that it runs on the new Androids.

Subscriptions are the only model that allows mobile applications to survive.
The alternative would be to stop the Kurviger app development…

Ich finde die aktuelle Preispolitik hier bei kurviger mittlerweile auch eine wenig “merkwürdig” und für mich ein Grund zu überlegen, evtl. zu einem anderem Anbieter zu wechseln.
Zuerst muss man, um die “Premiumfunktionen” auf der Webseite nutzen zu können, das Tourer-Abo abschließen und jetzt soll nochmal extra die Kurviger 2 App bezahlt werden, um hier ebenfalls die “Premiumfunktionen” zu nutzen. Da frage ich mich warum ich die kurviger 1 pro App überhaupt gekauft habe. Klar wird hier gesagt das die kurviger 1 pro App weiter gepflegt wird, aber wie lange noch? Weiterhin steht weiter oben auch ganz klar, dass die neuen Funktionen nur in der Kurviger 2 App enthalten sind: “… Kurviger 1 Pro app remains available 4 and will be maintained for current owners.
They can continue to enjoy it, but new features apply to Kurviger 2 subscription. …”
Und 2 Apps parallel zu pflegen ist ja nun auch nicht weniger Arbeit.

Hier hätte ich zumindest erwartet, dass es für Nutzer die bereits ein Tourer-Abo oder die kurviger 1 Pro App haben eine Vergünstigung oder Sparpaket gibt. So muss man um alles neuen Funktionen nutzen zu können sowohl das Tourer-Abo als auch das Abo für kurviger 2 für jeweils 9,99 €/Jahr abschließen. Kundenbindung sieht für mich anders aus. Hinterlässt halt einen faden Beigeschmack.


Also bei den Preisen hier rummjammern. Sei froh dass es so etwas gibt. Ich habe u.a. die beiden anderen Apps…bitte sehr, hält dich keiner davon ab zu wechseln. 20€ für beides im Jahr…


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Thanks for the feedback. Please see the above answer: