App: Offline routing (BRouter)

(no need to click anything else except “Download manager”)

BRouter allows to configure its profiles in detail at phone’s file system.
In our case edit the “car-fast.brf” text file.

More details exist in its readme.txt, sections “Completing your installation” and “Routing via the service interface”.

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No, the recommended / flexible way is to modify freely the profile text file according to user needs.

Very useful info - thanks! :+1:t4:

I found the brf-files (\Android\data\btools.routingapp\files\brouter\profiles2) and copied "car-fast.brf " to a new file called “!Kurviger.rf”.

Then I changed the following section in this file to avoid motorways:

# Use the following switches to change behaviour
assign avoid_toll = false # %avoid_toll% | Avoid paid roads | boolean
assign avoid_unpaved = false # %avoid_unpaved% | Avoid unpaved roads, if possible | boolean
assign avoid_motorways = true # %avoid_motorways% | Avoid motorways | boolean

Now selected the “!Kurviger”-profile in the BRouter app and this did the job: no more usage of motorways (Autobahnen) when rerouting via BRouter while being offline. Great advantage! :smile:


Ah - just noticed that it’s possible to copy the content of a rtf-file into the “profile”-section on the BRoute website. This way I can easily test different settings and configure one or more rtf-files which will cover my personal needs for offline routing best.

Not as good as the original Kurviger routing-algorithm of course, but flexible enough to use for a rerouting to the next waypoint while being offline on the road. I love that feature :smiley:!

BRouter is extremely flexible with a very powerful profile language to do many things.

I wonder if we should set as default the “Kurviger - BRouter” profile in the application.

We can include your guide in Wiki, you can contribute it if you want. :slightly_smiling_face:

Why not - as long as such infos are helpful for other Kurviger users this absolutely makes sense. I’ll play around a little bit with different settings and report if I found a good template for being used for Kurviger’s rerouting.

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After testing various settings as a quick solution for a simple set of different routing profiles used for offline routing with BRouter in the Kurviger app, I would recommend to save up to three new profiles, according to one’s personal preferences.

As template for every profile I used “car-fast.brf” (copied to every of the three bfr-files for Kurviger) and only modified the sections mentioned subsequently.

:sloth: Kurviger-smallroads.brf

If smaller roads are preferred.

Modify this sections (no further data needed in the “Kinematic” section):

# Use the following switches to change behaviour
assign avoid_toll = false # %avoid_toll% | Avoid paid roads | boolean
assign avoid_unpaved = false # %avoid_unpaved% | Avoid unpaved roads, if possible | boolean
assign avoid_motorways = true # %avoid_motorways% | Avoid motorways | boolean

# Kinematic model parameters
assign vmax = 70 # %vmax% | Target speed (in km/h) | number

:rabbit2: Kurviger-fastroads.brf

If a faster route is preferred (using faster roads, but still avoiding motorways/highways).

# Use the following switches to change behaviour
assign avoid_toll = false # %avoid_toll% | Avoid paid roads | boolean
assign avoid_unpaved = false # %avoid_unpaved% | Avoid unpaved roads, if possible | boolean
assign avoid_motorways = true # %avoid_motorways% | Avoid motorways | boolean

# Kinematic model parameters
assign vmax = 100 # %vmax% | Target speed (in km/h) | number

:racehorse: Kurviger-highways.brf

If the fastest route is preferred (using motorways/highways if possible).

# Use the following switches to change behaviour
assign avoid_toll = false # %avoid_toll% | Avoid paid roads | boolean
assign avoid_unpaved = false # %avoid_unpaved% | Avoid unpaved roads, if possible | boolean
assign avoid_motorways = false # %avoid_motorways% | Avoid motorways | boolean

# Kinematic model parameters
assign vmax = 130 # %vmax% | Target speed (in km/h) | number

I copied the three Kurviger brf-files into BRoutes profiles folder (\Android\data\btools.routingapp\files\brouter\profiles2) and deleted all other brf-files (after making backups of course and I preserved the other files “lookups.dat” and “v1.6.1”) to keep things clear and neat.

Now I can start the BRouter app to choose from three different profiles, depending on my current needs:

Of course those profiles will result in quite different (and less attractive, curvy and motorbike-specialized) routes than using Kurviger’s online routing algorithm. But they are quite useful as a fallback solution if rerouting is necessary while being offline and can help to avoid unwanted street types in such cases.


Implemented in Kurviger 1.12.4.

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Top! Sehr nützlich… :+1:
Danke für deine Mühe!
Hab ich sofort umgesetzt :sunglasses:

Ich hab mal mit der “trekking.brf” etwas herum gespielt…
Wenn man einen Offroadtrack und/oder etwas besser geeignete OSM Karten hat…
Ab dem letzten Haus, Feld- und Wiesenweg.

Ich habe Deine Idee gerade getestet und festgestellt das BRouter mit den car-Profilen nicht nach Kap Arkona routet. Mit den anderen Profilen schon. :thinking:

I just tested your idea and found out that BRouter with the car profiles does not route to Kap Arkona. With the other profiles it is. :thinking:

Kann ich bestätigen!?
Mal sehen…

Liegt wohl daran, dass die Dorfstraße für den normalen KFZ Verkehr gesperrt ist.
Für Radler und Fußgänger aber kein Problem.

Dann dürfte Kurviger Online aber da auch nicht lang routen, oder?

But then Kurviger Online shouldn’t be routing long there either, right?

Da ist was dran…

Diese Profile sind auch alle für Motorräder/KFZ angelegt (selbst das original BRouter Profil “moped.brf” funktioniert hier nicht). Direkt zu diesem Punkt (Kap Arkona) wird nur geroutet, wenn man auf ein Profil ausweicht, das eigentlich für Fährrader gedacht ist. Für solche speziellen Fälle würde ich daher einfach zusätzlich das BRouter Profil “fastbike.brf” hinterlegt lassen.

Bei mir routet das original BRouter Profil “moped.brf” zum Kap. :thinking:

With me the original BRouter profile “moped.brf” routes to the cape.

Zu dem Thema “Offroad” testen hätte ich noch ein Profil. Dieses wurde nicht von mir geschrieben bzw. bearbeitet. Denkt daran BRouter kann nicht zwischen legal/illegal unterscheiden. (5,0 KB)

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Sorry, Du hast natürlich Recht. Ich hatte da beim Testen mit dem BRouter Web Client wohl irgendwas falsch gemacht oder verwechselt.

Ich werde mal versuchen, mit den Zugänglichkeits-Parameters der car-basierten Profile zu experimentieren, um auch für solche Fälle ein Routing zu ermöglichen. Bislang war ich da leider noch nicht erfolgreich. Ich kenne mich dazu einfach noch zu wenig mit dem umfangreichen Möglichkeiten bei der Profilerstellung aus. Möglicherweise helfen da aber schon die Anmerkungen in dem Enduro-Profil weiter, das Du hier gepostet hast. Na mal sehen …


See also BRouter documentation with links for extra profiles with explanations and guides.