App: Navigation UI design

I must admit that I have postulated the introduction of these contours a long time ago. Perhaps it results from several years of my habit, but I believe that these contours are necessary to maintain the legibility of information (of course, I understand that others may perceive it differently).

Moreover, I don’t think the rectangular frames of the transparent boxes are bad - in my opinion they visually organize the arrangement of this information. It is also a matter of habit - I know a similar solution from OsmAnd…

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In Kurviger 2.0.11 (Beta) you can hide the borders with background full transparency.
If you need them, you can set a little less transparency, e.g. A=1.


Works well - I can not see the difference in transparency between A=1 and A=0 (as expected, because it is a step of ~0.4% of available range), but it switched the border on/off.
Very good idea to make the border property switchable without adding a further setting :+1:


Very clever! I love such solutions - simple, obvious and universal. Bravo for the idea :+1:

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Definitely better, but I wonder why the font can’t be adjusted in colour too - why only black on white or white on black?
If I get a coloured arrow by changing the foreground colour, e.g. blue, why can’t the font also become blue? Is it a technical issue?

I asked if text needs the same or separate or (common) black / white color above:

like he says, this is his personal opinion. “Others may feel different” and I can confirm, I do. I think that for example Gray-Blue text with black border or red text with black border or black text with red border (or black text with black border) would also be good readable. Maybe we should try the proposal in 2.0.8 and then let users decide (just a proposal, not a must).

The stroke / shadow will always be white or black (based on foreground) as happens everywhere.

ok :slight_smile: :motorcycle:

Look at your mouse cursor themes, the basics are white with black border and vice versa.
(to easily see mouse cursor on every background on screen)

We could discuss about the fill (icon / text or background) color.

If this was possible with the text filling I would be happy :upside_down_face: :grinning:

My mouse theme is light blue with a black border and you can colorize it individually under windows 10

Die Schriftfarbe wäre noch interessant Der Pfeil ist Schwarz die Schrift in Schwarz würde sich besser von der Karte abheben.

Gruss Rolf

You can already have black font color.
Just select a light color for background.
e.g. white (with transparency)

Nach Stundenlangen ausprobieren …die Schrift bleibt Weiß der Pfeil ist schwarz.Die Pfeilfarbe lässt sich ändern aber nicht die Farbe der Zahlen,60m 350m usw :woozy_face:
Gruss Rolf

Ich vermute, Du hast “Anzeigefarbe Hintergrund” = #00000000 gestellt (alle Schieberegler links):
Wenn Du auf #00FFFFFF stellst (Schieberegler R, G, B rechts), sieht es so aus:


As it is so difficult for some of you to select the text color…
(although the same process exists in Kurviger 1 for years)

…the next version will have a separate text color setting.

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Danke Rumbrummer
je mehr Schieber umso mehr muss man probieren.Ein Regler würde ausreichen wenn es machbar wäre.
Trotzdem Dankeschön für Eure Hilfe.
Gruss Rolf
((Da es für einige von Ihnen so schwierig ist, die
Textfarbe auszuwählen… (obwohl der gleiche Prozess in Kurviger 1 seit Jahren existiert))
Das kommt mit dem Alter :face_with_monocle: :see_no_evil:

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:grinning: :+1: :clap: :heart_eyes:

… fill and/or border color? :shushing_face: :mask:
… Caution, irony in the offing… garnished with a little glimmer of hope

The color is always about the fill.
The shadow is automatically calculated based on color luminance.

Kurviger 2.0.9 (Beta) has separate color settings for background / icon / font.