App: Multiple route profiles

This is a preview.

I was desperately looking for it yesterday too. Thought it would come at some point in the future. I’m looking forward to it.

Hab gestern auch schon verzweifelt danach gesucht. Dachte mir schon, dass es in Zukunft irgendwann kommen wird. Ich freu mich drauf.

Please make this available… Any way to get access to the preview version?

It is still under testing…
I will see depending on the development.

Thanks so much for implementing this!

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Available for testing in Kurviger 2.0.7 (Beta).

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Für das planen in der App sind verschiedene Routenprofile mit verschiedenen Farben sehr gut. jedoch würde ich es für die Navigation bevorzugen, nur mit einer ausgewählten Farbe zu navigieren. Wechselnde Farben auf der Routen würden mich nervös machen.

vielleicht ist es möglich mit starten der Navigation auf eine Standardfarbe, die man selber wählen kann zu wechseln.

oder habe ich so eine Funktion übersehen?

For planning in the app, different route profiles with different colors are very good. however, for navigation, I would prefer to navigate with only one selected color. Changing colors on the routes would make me nervous.

maybe it is possible to change with start the navigation to a default color, which you can choose yourself.

or have I overlooked such a function?

This is currently not available, we will see for a possible better solution.

The navigation colors are also discussed here:

This is great. Looking forward to taking the beta out for some rides.

I wonder if it’s possible to add functionality to allow segments to also have their own different avoidances?

And also their own different avoidance strengths?

It has to be added first in the server, then in the website, then I will see for the app.

But it will complicate very much the implementation, the maintenance and the UI…

thanks for your consideration. yes I agree it would make things complicated.

I need to do some more reading to understand how the profiles and the avoidances relate to each other.

In Kurviger 2.0.11 (Beta) the route color is used in navigation.
(the multiple profile colors are used in route planning)

A simple workflow for more freedom with future improvements:

Perhaps it would be better to change Settings ¦ Routing ¦ Route color to “Route color in navigation mode”, German : “Routenfarbe im Navigationsmodus”.

My first search for this setting started in Settings ¦ Navigation, because this option has only influence on navigation mode. Therefore I thought that it would be useful to shift that option to Navigation.

Meanwhile I am not sure - this setting is similar to the other color settings, so perhaps the placement in “Routing” might be better…

In addition, it is a shared option available to unsubscribed users too.

I wrote a post concerning adding waypoints to routes with multiple routing profiles in March 2021 in the lounge (restricted access):

Due to restricted access I copy it here:

If I add a waypoint to a route with multiple routing profiles, on website the new waypoint gets the profile of the segment where it is inserted ( :+1:).
In the app the new waypoint seems to get the main profile set in routing options - from my point of view it would be better also to use the system of the website.

The base route segment from viapoint #1 to shapingpoint #2 has the profile “curvy” - so after inserting the new viapoint #2 the segments from viapoint #1 to viapoint #2 and from viapoint #2 to shaping point #3 should be both curvy (as on website) - but in app the segment from viapoint #1 to new viapoint #2 has the profile “fastest”.

This topic has been solved, I tested it in March and wrote a comment ( I also tested the case in the link above just now - it still works fine, also in app!

But now I have an other case, where website works well, but - from my point of view - app does not:

Base (Routing: Curvy, but Routing profile of 1st and only segment: Fastest):

Add shapingpoint in app → 1st segment “curvy” (but should be “fastest”), 2nd segment “fastest”:

Base, add shaping point on website → both segments “fastest” :+1: :

I use Kurviger 2.0.11 app (with subscription) and Kurviger Tourer on website.

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Implemented in Kurviger 2.0.12.

Thanks for the report, I will check it.

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There was a missing check, it will work as you describe in next app update.

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Improved implementation in Kurviger 2.0.13.

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Thanks - works correctly also on my device :+1:

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