Anmeldung via Facebook

Wenn ich mich versuche mit Facebook auf meinen Account einzuloggen, bekomme ich von Facebook die Fehlermeldung:

“Anmeldefehler: Bei deiner Anmeldung zu dieser Anwendung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal,”

Diese Meldung bekomme ich seit heute Morgen - “später” habe ich also bereits ausprobiert.

I’m unable to log into my account via Facebook. It states that there is an error (Sign in canceled) and i should try it again later. I’ve been trying since early morning.

Thanks for letting us know. I just tried to log in via Facebook and it worked on my device.

Just to verify, have you tried the following:

  • Restart your device (just to make sure)
  • When you log in to facebook, have tried a different browser (there are issues with DuckDuckGo for example)

The facebook login is sometimes behaving a bit weird.

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I’m using the Facebook-App and Google Chrome Browser, both on my Samsung Tab S6 and Galaxy S22.
I’ve restarted both devices without any success.

Thanks for the feedback.

Just to make sure, this issue is shown in the Facebook app? So after you allow the login in the Facebook App you are not send back to the Kurviger App?

Furthermore, you only tried this in the Facebook app? Or did the issue happen both with the Facebook App and Google Chrome?

I’ve just deleted the FB-App and now it works. So i consider it’s a problem with the FB-App.

Wow, OK, thanks for going that far and for letting us know about this issue.

It would be interesting if others had the same issues with the Facebook App?