Add the yellow "do something" dots to the website

Here is the OSM in edit mode for Wilson Gap road. I would fix it if I knew what needed to be fixed. Can you explain?

Better split the discussion in Routing category, since here should discuss only the proposed new feature?

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We just released a new version of the website. You can show the yellow turn instruction nodes on the website as well now. Go to advanced settings and select the option. Let us know if everything works :slight_smile:


Sorry I know this feature has been out for a long time, but I just noticed this weekend when planning a route that it displays a yellow dot for waypoints, even if there’s no turn needed.


That’s really a bit annoying, since it covers up some of the marker flag which makes it harder to pinpoint in low zoom levels

It should display yellow dots for the turn instructions.
That can be checked also in the turn instructions list.

Whether instructions are needed at waypoints is a different matter.

As shown in the example they appear for points where there is no turn for you to be done. This behaviour is different from the app so I’m preeeeetty sure it’s a bug

App does not use website’s turn instructions, instead has its own generator.
Also it can merge and handle differently the turn instructions on waypoints.
Because needs them in navigation too, so there is even an option for them.

The website should now behave similar to the app. Thanks for the input @Patrick

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